Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Nurse's Week (and a free printable)

I have been  a nurse for over 30 years now and for the most part it is a very enjoyable job.  This week, starting yesterday May 6th we celebrate nurse's week.

Happy Nurse's Week 

I remember as I  was growing up there were only two things that I wanted to be - a nurse and a teacher.  As I got closer to graduating and needed to pick a career, nursing seemed to be the only choice - as with being a nurse I can do both.  I can be a nurse and I can be a teacher and most everyday that is true.  I am a teacher and  I am a nurse and I love it.

photo credit

Don't get me wrong there are days I wonder why I am still in this career but those days are usually far and few in between.  For one bad day or one aggravating patient you have 3 or 4 good day. There is always that one patient that makes you smile and reminds me the reason I picked this career.  Even after those long hours and my legs and feet are screaming in pain, I look back at my day (or night as that is what I work) and think of the patient's that got better with my care or the 6 year old child that looked in horror when I asked him if he smoked ~ yep I do that I love the reaction I get for them and then I ask them if they will ever smoke.  The last little boy hummed and hawed ~ Wrong Answer!

photo credit: Defining Nursing

Through my nursing career there are the patient's that I will always remember - The young boy who hit a train as he was going to work on foggy December morning, that we thought would never wake up and surprised us and one year later out on the ice playing hockey.  The baby that was abused by someone who was suppose to love and take care of him.  The grandma who was taking her last breath after having a stroke or heart attach with all her family at her bedside and on the other side the elderly lady who I held her hand as she took her last breath as she had no family that cared for her.  The excitement of a baby coming into the world.  Yes and even the drunk that comes in for a hot meal and says to me you don't really like me do you? - Nope I sure don't as I have to try and keep your butt in the chair and not fall on your face ~ besides you getting hurt, it is way to much paperwork for me.

Nursing is a job that has it's up and down and any of us that are in this career will tell you that we became a nurse to help, to educate and to protect.  If you are a patient of mine, you will know that I will do everything in my power to help you - coming into this earth or leaving this earth and everything in between with dignity and care.


Nurses all need a survival kit...  So make your special nurse one and add this printable.

Nurse's Survival Kit
plastic gift bag to put all the item's in
Life Saver
Paper Clip
Hershey Kisses
Rubber Band
Peppermint Patty
Tootsie Roll

Place each one of the above items into the plastic gift bag and close.  Print out the Survival Kit Printable and glue or tape to the bag.  Give to your favorite nurse - they will love it.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. Happy Nurses Week and what a milestone Marlys! Pinned and shared!

  2. Thank you so much! We printed and laminated and used them to make such cute gift bags. You are awesome. Happy Nurses Week!


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